Monday, November 13, 2023

Defund the Police? : No, Defund Public Education!

As the January 6th commission continues to attack ordinary citizens for walking into the United States capital building while the guards hold the door open

It does beg the question why Nancy Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser discussed Dondald Trump's offer to send in the National guard to protect the capital from Marxist rioters, which everyone knew were coming to cause harm, but the good Speaker of the House of Representatives and District of Columbia Mayor said no! They not needed. (They other plans for the day!)

It appears they had other plans for the people coming to protest. They knew others were coming to riot, they conspired with the FBI to make it happen. 

 And the plan worked as more then dozen operatives were on hand to cause destruction and chaos just for pollical reasons, causing problems for the president Donald Trump as they lied about what he said to the crowd after his farewell speech. It worked to perfection.

But now with the Marxist liberated democraaats in full flow, encouraging the student operatives and others to demonstrate to the world how the democraaats still hate the Jews just as much as their history shows and how they hate the black people as well.

The people are just tools to be used and abused to this end!!

Actually, the Marxist democrats hate anyone and everyone that is in opposition to their drive for absolute power. 

Riot? Inserection! Mob Rule? Unbridled hate? Marxist
liberated democraaats showing off their skills.

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