Monday, November 13, 2023

What Can We Expect After Thousands of Years Of Hate? : But Why?

 The question though is how this continued for so long without some kind of transformation into the real world of civil acceptance for who and what we all are and what our place in the world is for survival.

The modern citizen, even in some neo-quasi civil societies such as those even that exist in the Middle East, cannot understand the agenda and ideology of hate so great that nothing has changed for an entire society of people, over thousands of years, that their main force for their very existence is to kill another entire society to the last man woman and child.

Can there be less hate! Can a people hate less?

The question then for Thomas Sowell, and others, to explain to
Americans why is Joe Biiyden and the Marxist liberated
democraaats accept the death of Israil as a natural
progression for a civilized world?

Is this the real agenda and ideology of the liberated

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