Saturday, November 18, 2023

Biiyden On The World Stage! : Dumbfounded and Clueless - Brain Dead!! (Xi LOL!)

 What has happened to our country? What has happened to our educational system? How did so many people show us all how ignorant they are and self-serving that they are ready to do the bidding of the Chinese who now are in control, bought White House and much of our country's power structure.

10's Millions voted and cheated to make this happen! All good democraaats!

It's said Joe was asked, told to have a desk brought into the Oval Office for CCP representative to make sure Joe does what they paid him to do.

This doesn't seem extreme. When you buy something, you expect something in return.

Xi explaining how things work now that he is in charge!

After Xi went home and Joe's handlers went out for
some fresh air, Joe become himself again!!

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