Thursday, November 30, 2023

Celebs Are Who Exactly? : Does Anyone Care, At All!!?

When some special person from Hollywood, a supposed larger-than-life celebrity, decides they have been disrespected because some low life scum objected to their demand for some asinine political stupidity, they believe brilliance is the only thing that can be seen as fact.

After all they are better, smarter and richer than you, even as you just paid $15 to watch the intellectual junk they produced calling it entertainment, it is truly preposterous to believe they think we actually care about what they think is real!

You know what, go the hell away and stay away!

Elon Musk said it best yesterday, ''Fuck You!'' to several of his advertisers who pulled their ads because of a fraudulent congenerical on X that portrayed a Nazis video next to their to business ad. Disney among them!

How about they really leave the country and find another place on the earth to infest with their garbage called talent!

The current atmosphere in our great country is starting
to take on a ''push back'' attitude with these people!!

Including this monstrous piece of garbage! Here is something
 that will help, 'And the truth will set you free!!!' Or even better,
''Know thy self''!!

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