Wednesday, November 22, 2023

New York City's Mayor Puzzled : What Did I Do Wrong?

 It seems there is no middle ground for Marxist liberated democraaats. There is only one system of justice and anything else that looks like justice is not acceptable. He should have known to deal with the problem like all other democraaats, blame the Republicans and Donald Trump.

But no, he says the open boarder is the problem. dah! How long has he been a democraaat?

The mayor should have understood this but he was frustrated with the situation in his city where illegal immigrants are flooding in by the thousands causing chaos and conflict with the entire city welfare system.

He must have had a brain fart saying stupid stuff like that. So little wonder the FBI is on his case!

It would hzve been better to allow the city to collapse entirely
rather than attack a democraaat agenda item!

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