Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Career Politician IS The Problem? : The Deep State - The ''Shadow Government!''

I guess we should have seen this coming but millions of good citizens are still found wanting when it comes time to choose leadership qualities for our country. 

After more than 50 years in politics, at all levels of government, Ol' Joe is still just another passage on the train going home to Delaware, talking smart about nothing of value, only about his dreams of being a real person of worth.

He is up front and in your face, he is nothing more than a puppet dancing on a string for all to see, the real inner most workings of a career politician whose entire life was dedicated to making money by any means necessary. And what better way than to become a government employee stealing anything and everything from others.

And even better, a generational Marxist liberated democraaat as well which means he doesn't have to take any responsibility for anything no matter what he does in his job or doesn't do. He absolutely has no shame, he is soulless. The perfect democraaat!

The democraaats have decided to come out of the shadows
as they fear Trump might win which would mean he will
begin the dismantling of the deep state that seeks to destroy
everything of worth in America for personal advantage.

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