Thursday, November 09, 2023

Abortion Won The Day Again Tuesday For democraaats?

This has to be confusing and disturbing for many people that believe in the sanctity of life. That these election to high office can turn on personal issues alone as much as they do is what makes election officials recalculate their strategy all the time.

It seems likely that most elections are never about the betterment of the country but how the country can serve them. The moral character of the people is debated and seemly again tragically lost the clutter of loud voices.

But wait, John Kenny said something very propound a long time ago, ''It's not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country!'' We loved that as it meant a coming together.

And what did Barrrack say about his concern for how our Constitution was written, and how he thought it should be changed, revised and rewritten to more reflect a more present-day document, ''The Constitution says what the government cannot do to you but should read what the government can do for you!''

My how things have changed. The criminals are in charge.

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