Wednesday, November 29, 2023

What Happened to The ''Me Too'' Movement? : What Happened to Common Sense?

Tust when you thought it was safe to believe the world wasn't on the edge of destruction, the Palestinians launch a seek attack on Jewish neighborhoods and a music entertainment gathering, killing, murdering hundreds in cold blood.

But about those left in Gaza? Did thjey vote for this to happen or did they stay home wiht heads buried in the sand! Guilt by association? Who has to die and who gets a pass to other lands for safety. Who is who here?

But hey, according to the media and member states from around the world, including the Unjited States, the murdering of Jews in their beds is no big deal, what's not to like? And worse, those who rage in the streets for our society to take action against the oppressors are numbered among our youngest citizens!

They have no personal history of what went on for the last several generations in Gaza, Palestine, but no matter, mass murder is seen as justice for the oppressed. Who are the oppressed?

Why are they oppressed? What possible be wrong with a history of 2000 years of hate? Before the young student mercenaries hit the streets attacking the innocent by bystanders, campus buildings and police, on lookers were wondering what the hell is going on

The marchers were told by their betters it was all true about the oppressed and okay to rage against common sense and history. So, shut up about questions concerning what's right and what's wrong, just do what you were told!! 

Oh wait, those are killers and murders. We don't 
want them in our society!

                                           When the going get tough, the weak head to the exits! After all

                                                                     it's just a game of numbers.

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