Monday, November 13, 2023

Making The Gender Switch A Rewarding Experience! : The Results Are Catastrophic!

 Exactly what is the bottom line in demanding that a 6-year-old be castrated because he decided he liked to play in the sand with dolls? Or having grown boy in a school deciding one day to become a girl, enter a girls locker room, then seeing a naked female, raping her as a matter of cause.

The school administrator and others denied the fact and transferred the student to another school were he did it again!

And much worse, deciding to become a man wasn't that difficult in making the transition. All that was needed was a mental sickness driving her hatred for white people. She entered a school with a rifle, she  killeed, murdered 6 innocent helpless people including three children and three adults. 

What was the motivation? Was it just a civil society not having the needed will to stop the problem before it becomes a disaster just because it wasn't accepted in the society to question people with known malignant behavior from acting out their diseased agenda?

Exactly what is the problem here? The gun or
others unwilling to act?

The perfect end for a civil society!

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