Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Rashida Tlaib : Home From The Front! Death to America!!

 Ourt country has become something we have never seen before, ever. It's nearly incomprehensible to a people that has always had the freedom to choose one's own destiny no matter where that may go. 

We have always believed this, and it has never been contemplated losing it or having it taken away by force or by lawmakers with the intent to control the population to do its bidding.

Citizens that were born into freedom and liberty with Capitalism and Constitution setting out what government can and cannot do has always been the bedrock of existence in America.

But now the people are confused and conflicted trying to understand what is happening all around them.  They have never had to live under the specter of being hated by fellow citizens for having a different idea or opinion for what the freedom to choose means.

For the majority of people'sd confusion is rooted in not kin owing what it means to be without freedom.

But as those that have preceded us know from experience, in this great nation, they understand perfectly well what this short phrase means; 

''Freedom means having nothing else to lose!''

Tlaib believes in only one thing, the success of her
ideology of absolute power or the glory in an
obedient death at the task set down by her forebears.
She understands her upbringing in a world of hate and
destruction for the enemy. There is or can be no alternative!  

The war has begun in earnest now. Sadly, the majority of the 
world's population hasn't got the message yet but the bright
light of day has awakened many to this evil!

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