Friday, November 24, 2023

What Is Truth and What is Nonsense : Researchers Says Biiyden's Inflation Is Okay!?

Food prices and gas prices are not worse than what they were when Ttump was in office. Researchers that were working on a new plot for Hallmark found some comparisons between their findings and the Marxist democraaat nitrative of ''believe me, it's true'' much the same.

The researsachs say to find real satisfaction in both endeavors is to not look behind the curtain, it just makes the fun of living in ignorance too confusing and stressful. Research continues on Hallmark!

They say democraaats believe, ''When ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise!'' Just stay stupid and have a long and miserable life by voting democraaat. 

Why stop digging the hole when you can still see daylight!

Originally they were looking for a better agenda for Joe Biiyden
21024 campaign slogan but found they are having more success
with Hallmark's problem!

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