Thursday, November 30, 2023

More Thankgiving Redux : Ol' Joe Gives Thanks Where It Belongs!

 For last 50 or more years, Joe Biiyden has made it a point to do as little as possible to support himself other than to find ways to have other do the job. And that is why he has been a government employee for those 50 years, skating along responsible free and accumulating a fortune.

To say he is just seamless in his endeavors for making himself and his family rich would be a travesty in explaining the depth of Joe's criminal life as a senator, vice president and now as president.

The truth is he is a consument soulless criminal with the power to do whatever he wants to satisfy his tired, diseased and beleaguered mind to gain as much advantage over others as he can. 

It's his lifelong dream of being rich and powerful. That this would require stealing and criminal activity is of no concern, he knows he is not responsible for any of that, he knows he's above the law! He is the top democraaat!

He knows who is and that is enough.

Taking from others is enough. What more is there in life?

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