Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Everyone Wants To be In The Loop! : But Why? What's The Upside?

Goodness! How come so many young people feel the need to be different even at the expense of looking dangerously ignorant or worse, mentally compromised. You can't hide from being willinly

Even when others who have a better grip on life warning them that what they are doing and saying will follow them the rest of their lives and will change who they are permanently. 

Still, they move into line with all the likeminded people demanding things others they know nothing about! 

Mass hypnosis resulting in deranged hysteria? College campus the perfect foil for willing participants!

College it seems is not a friendly place to be when Ignorance
is mistaken for reality. Living life large in a pool of fools is
not exhibiting any kind of intelligence or wisdom that's needed
to be successful.

Failing to see the connection between yourself and historic
corruption will be your demise. Being young is no excuse.
Being stupid too won't help either.

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