Monday, November 13, 2023

Who The Hell Is In Charge of The White House? : Who Knew??

 This of course is no surprise in that, Berry, Barrrack told the world he would like to have a third term, but he didn't want the other problems that go along with being the visible man in change.

Berry knew that he could control Joe to do his bidding. Joe Biden has been brain dead for decades. Barrrack knew this after eight years as his vice president. The man is a total wasted human being.

 And Barrrack said it was so easy, all that was needed was to promise Joe easy money from around the world, bidding on certain policy matters that were causing them problems. Joe jumped at the chance as he knew he had the prefect ''bagman'' to collect the spoils. 

Doing some favors for friendly foreign ''bidders'' for cash was no big deal as he had done that for decades right here in America. Joe figured, ''What the hell, the Clintons were doing it all the time, so why not me?''

So, getting rich at the same time was a no brainer. Trotting out Barracks' religious jihad for transforming America into a global califate with him in charge was a slam dunk winner. Ol' Joe was making history!!

Jump Joe Jump!! ''I knew Joe would like the
idea of having someone do the thinking for
him while he had his other problems on which
color sock to wear. Jill said she would miss
match the socks in the drawer just to watch
him struggle with those difficult decisions.''

Barrrack understood a good thing when
he saw it. Making Joe jump to his toon
 would be easy! Old Joe never had a chance
to become a real person even back in his
glory days in Senate and free living in

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