Saturday, April 06, 2024

Always Vote democraaat! : Life Made Easier!?

I wonder if the democraaats have an answer for the majority of their voter base that explains why they are having so much fun when they are pumping gas today compared to just 4 years ago.

How much better off are you now then 4 years ago?

Not to worry about common sense rising to the surface before next November, the good democraaat voter never has to worry about using common sense or basic God given intelligence, they just know it's so much easier to just do what they are told then deciding what is best for themselves and their families or the country.

It saves time and energy to not have to explain later why they decided to make an independent decision that will be benefit themselves and the country. They know independent thought is not allowed!

Oh my, what happened to good old days?
You elected democraaats?

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