Thursday, February 10, 2022

Justin, quick! Run! : They're Coming! Oh No! They're Here!!

Poor Justin has a problem that seems different than the problem he has faced before. 

He understands most of his trouble in the past was cleared up by the media lying to the people as to what was actually happening, but now the trouble has come in the form of huge trucks parked in his front yard and they can't be removed by the media! 

Oh no, whatz a good Marxist liberated Canadian to do when those who are supposed to take a knee to those in power are motivated to not do what they are told, demanding the powerful listen to them and do the bidding of the voters!!!

Justic reacted like all liberals do when confronted with angry voters, they flee to place where they believe they are safe from having to make decisions they have no idea of what to do to solve the problem.

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