Sunday, April 26, 2020

Who Really Is The Good Dr. Fauci? : Just A Career Bureaucrat Or Activtist?

It's a shame that we have to have this virus in the same year of a national election. Otherwise none of this shut down carp would be going on and destroying lives and our country just to help a corrupt national party to win an election.

By the way, why hasn't the Good Dr. Fauci been vetted? Who really is this guy?

The progressive socialist liberal democraaats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are using this ''pandemic'' to advance their agenda and ideology to promote a total centralized authority to control all outcomes in the country even if it destroys the entire country, which it is. A winning strategy for democraaats!

The question that seems to be gaining some ground though is who actually is the Good Dr. Fauci? We know he is a career bureaucrat since before 1984 when he as named head of the National Institutes of Health(NIH) and has been in the shadows of national health programs until now.

Now he's a hero, an unquestionable "EXPERT" on viral diseases. How come? What did he do to stem the influenza  problem that kills more then 60,000 every year, even with the national availability of a ''flu shot". How come? Where was the Good Dr. Fauci?

This year alone 29 million have been infected and more then 280,000 hospitalized with more then 16,000 that have died with influenza with much more to come! Where is the Good Dr. Fauci program to stop this catastrophe? Or maybe it's not important enough at this place in time and as it wasn't for past generation. But this year so much different!

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