Saturday, April 25, 2020

George W Bush Warned Us In 2005 : But Fauci's NIH Failed to Follow Through! How Come?

Here's a short video on what George W Bush said about being prepared for a pandemic back in 2005. Why didn't the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) and National Institutes of Health(NIH) take this seriously. Who was in charge of these organizations that are tasked to understand what's at stake and be proactive to protect the population for serious infections?

Where was the chief ''expert'', The Good Dr. Fauci at this time seeing he was in charge since 1984? Was it that he didn't care or was he not ''expert enough'' to follow the recommendations of the President? 
Or was there something more nefarious about the decisions coming out of the National Institutes of Health(NIH)  back then and now that just might not be something totally unpolitical or incompetent.

Why hasn't The Good Dr. Fauci been vetted? What is his history at the NIH? Why is he an unquestioned, unquestionable "Expert"? Something stinks!

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