Thursday, June 22, 2023

Ol' Joe is Too Old? : Sure, But Too Mentally Ill As Well!

 And it not just his age, this is about his ability to recognize what day it is without help and for the public at large to understand that he is a lifelong democraaat and therefore totally corrupt his entire life as a government employee, and to never vote for any democraaat ever again!!

And it not just Ol' Joe that is mentally challenged, sick, the entire Marxist democraaat ''collective'' is on board with Joe. They are all here to do harm to the country our forefathers brought to us 250 years ago. The democraaats want to destroy everything about freedom and liberty, it's all about total centralized control of everything.

They, the democraaats, all vote in congress like they are told without fail. Every last one of them are sitting in the front pew of the church of the socialist agenda and ideology where they eliminate the people's ability to be the arbiter of government policy making.

Joe is the perfect example of how the democraaats operate
to take power away from the people. They know what they
want but can't debate their ideas without a club in their hands.

The democraaats find it ''inconceivable'' that having Newsome
take control of power in Washington. They know he will take
most of the power for himself leaving the rest of criminals
out in the cold!

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