Sunday, June 11, 2023

How Does Socialism Work? : Or Doesn't Work?

 The true socialist like Bernie Sanders cannot be convinced that their system doesn't work because they can't admit they are not part of the system they demand other must follow. The real socialist live above the system, enjoying all of the fruits off the remaining trees of Capitalism.

Ever wonder how Bernie was able to ''own'' three houses and his own airplane? Socialism is a lie and always has been all through history.

In socialism, the state owns everything including the people. How did he manage that as ''one of the people'' living large in the socialist collective????

No matter how it is displayed, it's still
socialism and inherently and historically
always a failure.

The scarcest part is the socialist cannot explain how it works
to make life better for everyone, only that everyone must
accept the idea that it does, or else!! 

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