Monday, June 26, 2023

Ronald Reagan : America Will Die From The Inside Out!

 What's the problem with our government? The problem it seems we don't have a government, just a bunch of demented criminals seeking to take advantage of their time at the levers of power to steal as much of our money and freedom as they can before they are turned out of office.

You have to know there are millions of voters who have no idea what is happening in our country. And many are relatives.

The really bad part is they are doing so much damage to the country that it might be impossible to turn the ship of state around in time to save her from total destruction.

Please, never vote democraaat ever again! Ever!

The rot is total in our society and especially
in our government. Our leadership is completely
without a moral guide. The are all Marxists!

Advice to the new graduate from one who is in the know.
''WOKE is the new norm and to object to this will be a huge
mistake on your part as a business man or even just as a
human being. The mob will come for you and your family''

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