Sunday, June 18, 2023

America At The Cross Roads! : Who The Hell Are We???

Everyone is asking what is happening here? Now take a minute and think about this, who willingly voted to make this happen? Was it just a vote against Trump or are the people this completely ignorant of who the Marxist liberated democraaats are or are they just this mentally unbalanced!

Oh, and what about John Fetterman voters in Pennsylvania? What or who will we see the democraaats up to inspire the voters this year after Ol' Joe takes to his basement compound never to seen again?

Yeah, it's really not Joe and Kamala but the fear of what will come next is real!

This democraaat is leading the free world?

How clever to have a leader that understands who the
people are that voted for him to bring this trash
to the White House lawn!

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