Monday, May 23, 2022

Barrrack Knew How to Get Things Done! : ''Stimulus and Fear Joe, More Stimulus and Fear!''

 Barrrack knew he couldn't make it happen with the crew that he had, but when they decided to put up Ol' Joe for president to take the slings and arrows and being mentally incompetent and therefore willing to do whatever his friends wanted him to do, they knew then it was a sure thing to ''fundamentally change'' the country!

Divide and conquer - drive the people into fits of loathing and fear. It was easier than they thought to get the job done especially when a good lifelong Marxist warrior like The Fau Ci suggested a pandemic will be a good place to start.

Always vote democraaat! There is more than enough dumpster to feed everyone!

Hope and change? That's bullshit! When all else fails
to rally the people to do what 
the collective wants them to do, then it's time to
 declare ''all is lost'' driving the people into the necessary rage
with the fear of Republicans coming into power

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