Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Rep. Johnson (La) Explains Treason To Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security Sec.) VIDEO!!

If your wanted to understand why our open border is working to destroy our country, wonder no longer. And if that isn't scary enough, the good secretary is doing this by design. 

It's the reason he was nominated by the Marxist democraaats in the first place as he was perceived to be able to lie and deceive better than anyone else they had on their list of active nominees and that is saying a lot to explain his abilities. 

A monster by any other name is still the same. If he were a Republican, he would have run out of town long ago on a rail by the Republicans and even the democraaats.(The democraaats would hire him at a later date to do their dirty work that Mayorkas is doing now!)

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