Thursday, May 19, 2022

Common Sense Is Fleeting! : Ignorance is Bliss? Stupidity Is Raging?

 You can run but you can't hide!! Every day it seems something new and insane become common place as is accepted as real and factual even to the point in congressional hearing people testify under oath that men can get pregnant and then have an abortion.

What in the world has happened where it's okay to deny the real world of nature?? And then 2X2 no longer equals 4 and mathematics is racist!!

What can we take from statements like these other than some people have become to accustomed to an unreal intellectual privilege they believe gives them the right to demand others must follow their example or be denied membership in the group and therefore on the road to being cancelled from civilized society?

If you believe you have your own thoughts about the greater universe of life and liberty which are seen as outrageous, you will become a paruria. A nonperson. A threat to those who must take power for the good of everyone.

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