Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Media Fact Checkers Are Factless! : They Know The King Is Coming!

 What is so sad and frightening for everyone with a brain that functions properly, we cannot trust anyone to tell us the truth, especially not media fact checkers! They are all DNC operatives!

They are all part of the wider agenda and ideology that is totally out of control, rampaging across the country, stealing everything they can before next November for total control of all aspects of our lives!

The liberated Marxist democraaats believe if they can bring enough destruction to the country, it will not be fixable leaving them still able to bring more problems to complete the destruction before Trump takes back power in 2024!

And all the while Trump tries to bring back the country from chaos and failure, the Marxist democraaats will be able to demonize him 24/7 for trying just as they did for 4 years when he was elected in 2016!

Biiyden is just the front man for the Marxist monsters 
that are running the country into the ground from the shadows.

This is what keeps the evil ones from having'
a good night's rest! They know the king
is coming for them!

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