Sunday, May 29, 2022

Marxist Newly Liberated democraaats! : 401K Prosperity Is Here?

 If you haven't been awake and or aware of how much your 401K or for that matter your 403B is worth after Ol' Joe and his friends are done steal us blind as the stock market has crashed to new lows leaving smoldering hole that was once the nations safety valve for retirement.

No one wants to take about what will happen to Social Security when the country goes broke!

But hey, pay no attention to this, it your duty as taxpayers to pay the bill for the Marxist democraaats who want only the best for everyone no matter the cost you have to pay!

Scared yet? Not to worry, always vote for more good Marxist democrats to bring more of the good times to everyone!! (Dumpster diving isn't so bad once you get used to it!)

I wander what the ''butchers bill'' will be when the money
is totally gone. 

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