Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Puppeteers That Control Ol" Joe That Make Him Jump To Their Toon!!! : Marxist democraaats!

The Marxist newly liberated democraaat puppeteers are having a blast make Ol' Joe do the bidding of every group of sinister individuals both domestic and foreign who want to control all of our lives for nothing more than to get more power and therefore money.

He has to know what's happening, but this isn't knew to Joe. With his 47 years on government service he has gotten rich and didn't have do anything to make it happen. All that was needed was for him to show up and take the money.

And where the money came from was of no importance, his long term government service taught him to just ''take the money and run'' was okay, everyone else was doing it to. It became routine, even from people in this country that hate us and from those who want to destroy us from over seas.

Ol' Joe was an ''equal opportunity'' taker of the good life!!!

And then the guys pulling the strings of the 
puppet to make him do stupid and dangerous
things know what they are doing.

So why are the people flocking to Donald Trump? What is it
about leadership that means so much to all the people!

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