Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Biiyden Economy V. Trump's : Orange Man Good! Drooling Man Bad!

Given what has transpired over the last 15 months under the control of the Marxist newly liberated democraaats, and the mentally ill puppet dancing Ol' Joe Biiyden, and what we all know what went on with the former president Donald J. Trump over 4 years, now ask the pregnant question, what's the difference?

Bottom line, Trump as successful in all areas of our lives and Biiyden is a failure in every aspect of our lives! There isn't spot where one can say Biiyden's policies worked! They all failed and failed spectacularly!!

Worse, it not that they just failed to deliver prosperity, Biiyden's policies are placing the entire country at risk of economic and moral collapse. Never in our history has the country suffered so greatly from the policies as that of Joe Biiyden and the Marxist (communist) democraaats!!!

And the truth is clear as to who and what happened to Jeffery
and our economy! Marxist newly liberated democraaats!!!

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