Saturday, April 15, 2023

How Do Teenagers Die? : What is the Data?

What is the truth about the causes of death to children? The prevailing narrative is that its'. ''It's the guns, stupid! But in the data below from 2020, the real reasons are a little more distinctive and clearer as to how many children die.

John Stweart was on a pod cast demanding that gun fire is the major reason kids die. But as we all now John is a democraaat, driven by a mentally diseased mind and therefore ignorant and dangerously stupid!

Much of the data is for kids 12 to 15 years of age. (If a teenager is killed by gun fire, it probably was in Chicago or some other large city where gangs kill each other on a daily basis or caught in the crossfire!)

Causes Of Death: Children & Teenager Deaths among teenagers most often result from:

  1. Accidents (48%)
  2. Homicide (13%)
  3. Suicide (11%)
  4. Cancer (6%)
  5. Heart disease (3%)

Accidents account for nearly 50% of all teenage deaths. Among these, motor vehicle fatalities are the leading cause of teenagers’ deaths.

Leading Causes Of Death In Teenagers

The chart below shows the leading causes of death for the teenage population as well as a breakdown of accidental deaths by “mechanism of injury”:

  1. Motor vehicle traffic accidents (73%)
  2. Accidental poisonings (7%)
  3. Unintentional drownings (5%)
  4. Other land transport accidents (3%)
  5. Accidental discharge of a firearm (2%)

(Note: “Other unintentional deaths” make up the final 10%.)

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