Sunday, February 11, 2024

Experts Say Joe Is Still A Functioning Adult! : Well, Maybe Not!

 Still, he's fine to be leader of the free world. And even better, Commander in Chief of the military. But given how the Marxist democraaat hate a strong military which allows America to move about the world with impunity was and is not acceptable to the Marxist democraaats.

Barrrack's global initiative demands that America must become no better than our closest enemies so to not intimidate them. 

As it's China that's challenging us for world power, but who cares, Right? Why can't we all just get along! Taking a knee to China will help bring peaceful results. And as I have said before, once we get used to being enslaved, everything will be a lot better. 

Nothing wrong with make a fool out of yourself
as long as the ice cream keeps coming.

Vote democraaat. America needs good leadership!

The democraaat voter will do their historical duty
and vote for failure!! Stupid is that stupid does!!

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