Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What Exactly Is Going On In Ukraine?

What is the game plan for Russia, Ukraine and Western Europe? How does the United State fit into the plan when we are thousands of miles away, but the Western European NATO countries are right next door?

Why does all this seem like just another scam by the globalists who want America bogged down in yet another war that will eventfully bring us to ruin as well?

At some point America has to wake up to reality. We cannot continue to be the world policeman while everyone else in the world dos business as usual. We're Broke!!!

Oh wait, who wants to make America great again? Again! America First! Who has been saying this for years??? 

Vote in November like you care what happens to our country!!

The game plan is for America to make everyone rich?

We haven't learned anything over the years with international
problems and the players that seek to take advantage of us?

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