Friday, February 16, 2024

The Government Has A Plan! : Ignorance Produces Fear of Outcomes!

 Again, this is not a new situation for those individuals that seek total control of their environment even to the point using force to make it happen.

Look what is happening to all those people on January 6th, all of those people are being sought relentlessly for prosecution and prison even those that watched from the outside of the capital and neve4r entered. 

As of today, 1100 hundred have been arrested and another 1200 are being sought for arrest and jail. The Chinese, Russians and North Koreans know how effective these tactics work for control of all outcomes!

The new Marxist liberated democraaats know as well!

Thje question now is will the next president be able
to rescue the military from the grid of
Marxist democraaats!

Vote with this in mind! Your country and your family are
depending on your vote for the freedom to choose!

And then the results are profound and expected. But who cares,
the agenda and ideology come first, others can clean up the mess

Maybe not as the destruction might be total!

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