Monday, February 19, 2024

Sometimes The ''Red Flag'' Might Law Works! : Nah! He's A democraaat!

 No matter how serious the situation is that might cause the ''red flag'' law to be invoked that requires taking down a dangerous person who can cause a national security catastrophe is out of the question given the person's position in authority.

If that person is in a position as a ruling member of the democraaat collective, then some serious decision must take place especially with such a serious election coming soon that will determine who has power and who doesn't even if the half of the nation is destroyed.

Come on man, no joke! After all, this is a situation where cool heads must prevail.

Throwing the flag on Biiyden is cause for the FBI to
visit your house with a ''door buster''!!

''Hey, what are these buttons for anyway? Is this for
room service??

Maybe it's because you forget to come in out of the rain, again!!!

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