Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Who Are The ''New'' FBI and Why Are They Here? : democraaats Proving A Point?

 It sure seems like the FBI has decided to take some notes from the accomplishment of the KGB on how to control a population making them do what you want them to do even if it means crossing the line between what the law says is right and lawful. It appears the Constitution no longer exists.

The new liberated Marxist democraaats are all in for the ''fundamentally changing of America'' described by Barrrack back in 2008 where he said the problem is our Constitution says what the government cannot do when it should say what the government can do for the population.

As the Biiyden administration moves to bring his vision of America to a reality, freedom and liberty are on the chopping block as a problem to finally implementing the ''New Norm'' in America.

The question that remains is who the leadership at the FBI are
and how did they take power while everyone else was watching?

Sadly, the new FBI leadership at all levels is more
than willing to carry out the directions coming those
in power who see America as ready for
fundamental change.

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