Thursday, August 25, 2022

democraaats No Longer Believe in The Rule of Law! : Our Way or The Highway!

Nancy Pelosi, ''No One Is Above The LAW''!! Isn't it interesting to note that one huge and sinister organization, funded by $billions of dollars believes that the rule of law has no impact on them as the proceed to get and keep more power before the November elections.

What is the definition of justice in America today? The deep state is in control? The ''shadow government'' of unelected bureaucrats, Deese, Rice and Klain telling the people who is really in charge while Joe Biiyden is sleep walking to the ice cream shop!!?

But then the democraaats have never had any intention
of obeying the laws set down by our Constitution. Justice
in America is a total farce. They know it but know as well
 it works to ''fundamentally change'' how we live or die!

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