Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Exactly Who iS In Charge At The FBI!? : Biiyden or Xi?

Is it possible that Joe Biiyden is on Xi's payroll? We know his kid is so why not the old man? (The Big Guy!!!) As the saying goes, ''the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!''

Given the criminals that attacked Mar-A-Largo on Monday last week, it's easy to understand the Department of Justice is run by Marxist criminals and therefore completely out of control. 

Its actions are now seen as if they are not governed by our Constitution but by some lunatic dictator who has no care for the rule of law except what he deems necessary to get and keep his power for control of the population by using the force of arms at the FBI!

One has to wonder why anyone would actually vote for this to happen. Why would they do this willingly? democraaats are here to cause destruction of the American dream and our country. They mean to us all harm!

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