Wednesday, August 31, 2022

democraaats Believe In MORE Police? : Sure, At Mar A Lago!!

One thing that is always a sure thing these days is when democraaats speak we know they are lying. They make no attempt to discise their intentions like they have in past decades. They will do whatever it takes to get and keep the ultimate power for control and by any means necessary. There is no limit to what they will do.

The timing is perfect with an illegitimate mentally ill old man in the White House and out right criminals directing him to do their bidding. (Along with his son making $millions for the family and Joe taking bribes from the Chinese government!!)

How in the world did this happen in our great country? hmmm Just look what Mark Zuckerberg said about the FBI! The FBI that fixed the election in 2020 by hold back ''the laptop from hell'' from being released to the public.

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