Wednesday, August 17, 2022

What Will Biiyden Do Next? : Setting The Stage For November's Loss!!

 The Marxist liberated democraaats know their defeat is only a matter of time when the voters decide they want the communists gone from power. So, the strategy now by democraaats is to prepare the fighting ground before the battles begin after the elections in November.

The are instituting as much chaos rulings and laws before the Republican take power to begin to try and fix the damage the democraaats caused the country. In truth is, it might not be able to be fix the damage as it is so great, to so many of our governmental institutions.

Just imagine all of those IRS agents busily working to bore into every citizen's background and then using that information to attack any of them that might take a stand against all of the criminals that are responsible for the damage they caused to our country.

Hiring all of those agents and giving them 10 $Billion dollars
is not by accident. They are laying the groundwork for taking
control once and for all!!

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