Saturday, August 20, 2022

The IRS Is The New Weapon of Choice For Marxists! : Changing The Rules For Ever!

 Never believe that hiring 87,000 new IRS agents is to just collect more taxes, this is to once and for all bore into the organization so deeply that reform would be impossible, leaving that agency to attack anyone and any institution with impunity who doesn't do what they are told. (Some have described it like an Alabama tick on a dogs hide!!)

How do you fight back against and armed man at your door demanding you release from your bank account everything you have or they will shoot you. (They are armed now!!)

Scared of Biiyden and his friends yet? Millions of good citizens are okay with this and will vote for more good stuff like this every time the democraaats demand your vote.

Remember, HR 1, the ''For The People Act'' is still on the table and the democraaats would love to get it passed into law that requires the government to take over all elections and thereby eliminating the Republican party as an opposition party to the democraaats. 

This sure seems like a good idea. right? Always vote for more democraaats to ensure your future is a shallow grave!!!

Government to rule over you and everything you own!

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