Monday, July 27, 2020

Corporations In Submission : Willingly Taking A Knee To Socialism!!

The success in these cases is not something we all should reward. In fact these changes are just more tools being used to condition us to accept more false, perverse, sinister and immoral demands from the progressive socialist liberal democraaats.

The progressive socialists democraaats like the use of masks and social distancing for the population to submit, to capitulate, to willing allow others to dictate how we live now and how we must obey the rules or be punished.

This is not a game but when we see so many corporations fall to their collective knees in submission to actual admitted communists, BLM leadership, then it becomes very apparent we are in an actual war for the very soul of our country and we must fight it from the trenches where we live!

They are coming for us!

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