Monday, July 13, 2020

Since 1860, What Has Changed ? : The Progressives Are Still Seeking Power By Force!

Not much has really changed since 1860 when those that were in charge of keeping America a nation of free states from separating from the rest of civilization because they believe enslaving people was okay. It took more then 600,000 lives to make them understand that enslaving and entire race was not according to the founders plan for America or Gods meaning of living free from oppression

Even now the same threat to our civil society of laws is being challenged by the progressive socialists who believe everyone must succumb to the demands of the socialist ideology, Marxist communists running in the streets and destory our cities with fire and looting of other people's property. But call it a racist protest!

Most everyone knows the truth but are unwilling to step forward to call it what it is, a riot for the personal gain of power and wealth. 

The only things standing the way now are a frustrated and angry general public, as well as our president Donald Trump and a few Republicans that aren't hiding under their desks! It will take a considerable effort in November to stop the real destruction of our country. If the progressive socialist liberal democraaats take power, all will be lost. 

You must believe this is real! It's not politics as usual. You've seen the burning cities and looting. They actually mean to rewrite out Constitution to make it a basis for making an all powerful government to rule the land and not the people! 

In November chose freedom! Reject tyranny! Never vote democraaat!!

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