Monday, July 13, 2020

Duplicity In Progressive Socialist Leadership? : A Willing Media Is Ready!

Hey what's wrong with duplicity? What happened when Barrrack was in charge of the country and his friends in the media were ''making'' the news? Remember Barrrack's religious jihad for "fundamental change'' he promised in 2008?

Yeah, you're right, they are still making the news to assist  those that seek to defraud the civil society of it's right to have an honest debate. For progressive socialists the people must not have a voice. It's far more important for the ''collective'' to make all decisions for everyone.

But then it has never been about honesty or debating the facts of the situation of any kind. It's always about finding ways to take power for the agenda and the socialist ideology as well as the personal gain of leadership. Stealing freedom and money has always been a way of life for progressive democraaats!

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