Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ilahn Omar Brings Chaos And Conflict To America : But She Escaped That, Right?

The poster child for "How did the Happen?" And another saying that fits the situation is "Never bit the and that feeds you". But given what's happening in our country and major cities that are governed by progressive socialist liberal democraaats, little is left to wonder their intent to further Barrrack's religious jihad for his "Fundamental change in a America'' that he said he would bring if elected in 2008.

Welcome to the real world of progressive socialist liberalism. Mental and physical domestic terror rules the day!

Ilahn Omar along with thousands of others were brought to this country by Obama to escape violence in Somalia. She learned quickly how to enjoy and thrive in our free land. She now represents her district in the US Congress. That’s called living the American dream. In return, she wants to “dismantle our economy and our whole system”. Tear it down. From our Bill of Rights, Constitution, Flag, Military, all of our freedoms to our Prosperity. She spent her first year in office threatening Israel, supporting CAIR, standing side-by-side with Linda Sansour and Louis Farrakhan. Only in America, could she get away with this. She needs to be stopped. Or better, find another country to dismantle.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, hat and indoor

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