Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How Does Socialism Work? : How Does Capitalism Work?

The real problem is most progressive socialist liberal democraaats don't think, don't contemplate situations, they react like they are told. And worse, many among us who are not besotted with rage and ignorance, follow the crowd, the mob as it surges into our civil society reeking havoc and destruction. All the while the majority of the population, working in the trenches of life stands aside wondering what's happening because it all makes no sense.

How did the flu season suddenly become a pandemic? Where is the data, the research documents that state the Wuhan thing is a mass killer worse then the flu, the common cold? ? Who decided masks weren't needed and distending wasn't needed either. The Wuhan thing was just another corona virus like the flu? 

Who was it weeks later decided we all are going to die if drastic measures weren't taken? Models from the CDC said 2.5 million will die(all of a sudden?) Who decided to shut down the economy to save the population from the Wuhan killer?

Oh no, say it aint so, a 36 year career federal government bureaucrat? What??? 

The destructors have been raised their entire lives with everything that any human being could desire in a free society, but apparently it wasn't enough as they now want everything you have as well and they are taking it by force! Your freedom, liberty and eventually your life.

Do you think this absurd? Hey, vote democraaat this November and find out the hard way! If you vote for self destruction, you have no clue who you are or what you are!

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