Thursday, July 16, 2020

Susan Rice As Vice President? : Another Benghazi Story?

What a perfect example of corruption government by the progressive socialist liberal democraaat agenda for America. Susan Rice is a viable candidate? Oh wait, she is a porgressive socialist democraaat!

But firsts, when I first saw ''the good doctor'' Fauci on television in early March, on every channel and talk radio show, people cooing and falling on their faces,  I immediately thought of Susan Rice and her effects to convince the population that the Benghazi attack on the American compound killing 4 Americans including the Ambassador, was caused by a home made video. She was everywhere telling the lie and we all knew it!

And at this point in time, anyone that isn't room temperature had to know 'The good doctor' Fauci, a 36 year democraaat government bureaucrat was running a game on on us like the democraaat' s Mueller report or Christopher Steel's Russian dossier for impeachment of the President Trump driving him out of office. 

Susan Rice running for vice president along with Ol' Joe is somehow begs the common sense of everyone to ask questions about the sanity of this entire democraaat collective!(Formerly the democraaat party!)

Biden's candidacy for president is just another game they are running against the population. Ol' Joe for the most part is comatose. He is living in day's gone by! And yet millions will line up to vote for the democraaat of record no matter the destruction he will being to us all.

Where is the sense in that? Don't vote democraaat. The mean to do us all harm!

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