Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Manager Takes Fauci Out of The Game! : His Control Is An Abomination!(His Career As Well)

I just wish it would be that easy to get rid to the problem! But as long as he serves a purpose he will remain fornt and center for the porgressive socialist liberal democraaats that are intent on destroying the national economy in hopes they can link it to President Trump.

That they are knowingly do irreparable damage to the country's well being, forcing millions out of work and into property, and they couldn't care less!! It's about getting back power and by any means necessary. 

There are literally no limit to what they will do. The rest of us down here in the trench should be vigilant to what they are planning and be ready to take steps to stop it. And the best way is to vote for Donald Trump and Republicans across the board! Local, state and federal positions. Send them all to the showers!!

Allow socialist(communist) democraaats to continue to have positions of power is to assure self destruction.

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