Monday, July 13, 2020

New Masks for The Simple Minded at The Bar : Get With The Program People!

This is something that all the jerkweeds that are wearing masks all the time, even in their cars will love it. Look how effective it is. And if the leadership brain trust say to do it, the easy duped will do it! This aught to work great in Michigan or New York or Minnesota!

But this isn't limited to those idiots, it's everyone that has bought into the fraud from Fauci and his buddies in the democraaat National Committee(dNC). They are laughing their asses off at how easy it was to drive the fools into doing something they know instinctively is false. 

And yet now many cities have taken the next step of demanding everyone must wear the stupid worthless masks all the time. The people know better but they still do it!!  Why don't tell the governors and mayors to get f@#%@#!!

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