Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The First Amendment Is For The Media Only? : The President Doesn't Agree!!

This is incredibly sad but true. The media in the past has had all of the fruits of freedom of speech that is guaranteed in our Constitution but the president of the United States does not. The Republican president must never rail in like manor against the vial and contemptuous mob press. It just isn't done that way. It's only now with President Trump, and probably not a Republican, that the Constitution he believes covers the president as well.

President Trump id definitely different from all other presidents this country has ever had as he is one of us, the people that live and work in the trenches. The usual hate that the press has always had for any Republican president is now being thrown back at them in like manor, and they resent it! 

Many Republican are fearful as well knowing they will come under attack and will have to explain who they are and what they stand for, something that scares them as they cower in darkness under their collective desks.

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