Thursday, July 16, 2020

Two Old Sewer Dwellers Want More Power : Ban The Old Fossil Fools!

What is about the old guys that think living in the swamp for 50 years is a good foundation for the future of our country? The swamp is actually a sewer of self indulged power brokers willing to take what ever they want and leave the scraps for everyone else to fight over.

Here is a progressive socialsit liberal democraaat swimming in the sewer of corrupt democraaat politics for more the 45 years and accomplished nothing for the country but chaos and criminal activity. 

The other guy is an avoid communist that believes the best way for America to become prosperous is to driven the citizens into gulags of despair and poverty if the population doesn't bend to the demands of his all powerful government.

Never vote for anyone that believes your life is not important. Never vote for anyone that demands government will do everything for you, because a government that gives you everything can also take everything away.

The democraaat agenda is to hand feed you while you are on your knees. Believe this or suffer the consequences!

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